Since Valentine’s Day is over, I now want you to seriously consider leaving somebody. It’s that person in your life who is no longer helping you grow. It’s the person who’s trying to keep you playing small rather than honoring your talents and dreams. It’s the person holding you back from sharing your special gifts with the world – those abilities that could not only bring you more personal success but also dramatically impact the lives of people and loved ones around you.
That person is currently in your life. Because that person is inside of you.
You see there are two people inside each and every one of us.
There is one side of you who knows your gifts and that you are capable of so much more. It’s the person who can see the top of the mountain where they want to go. This person wants badly for you to step up, be bold and play a bigger game in your life – both professionally and personally.
However, there’s another person inside trying to keep you playing small. That person knows that a constant drip of self-doubt and inertia is extremely effective at preventing you from moving ahead. It’s the person who knows that most people’s dreams fail to materialize because of the thousands of lies and compromises they make daily with themselves to stay in their comfort zone. “I’ll do it tomorrow.” “I’m not ready yet.” “I just have to first get things stabilized and then I’ll begin.” “I hate my job right now but I’m afraid to move on.” etc. etc.
Before you know it, the days and the years go by. And eventually, most people give up on their dreams.
You see, the biggest compromises we make in our lives is not with others but with ourselves. The biggest regrets we have at the end of our lives is not honoring the dreams and aspirations that we once had. The reason we don’t honor them is the daily compromises and choices we make. Because how you show up every day is how you always show up.
Do you remember why you went into business and became an entrepreneur in the first place? It's typically because you dreamed of passion-driven work and a better life for you and those around you. But in order for that to really happen, you need to step up and become the true leader of your own life.
“True leaders create a future that is distinctly different from their past”
- Vanessa Shaw
In any relationship, if you’re not getting your most important needs met, it’s time to move on. So just after this Valentine’s Day, I want you to tell the person inside of you who's holding you back: “this is where I leave you”.
It's not too late to apply to join our ACCELERATE Business Growth Program. I promise you, it will be the best investment that you have ever made in yourself.
It's your turn to BE BOLD. PLAY BIGGER.®