Secrets to accelerating your results NOW

Secrets to accelerating your results NOW

If you don’t want to accelerate your progress and your results, STOP reading this right now because I don’t want to waste your time.

For those of you still reading, did you see my recent live interview with my own mentor David Neagle? It went out to thousands of entrepreneurs who wanted to know the secrets of how you can achieve “uncommon results” in under a year.

And yes I am hugely proud to say that I was one of David’s success stories that he highlighted this year.  I shared my story of how I went from nothing to creating a multi 6-figure business (doing exactly what I love) in under a year when I had no support network, no family, no friends, no clients. I was all alone with my 2 children having just moved from the other side of the planet (goodbye Switzerland). I couldn’t even get a cellphone in my own name and didn’t have a driver’s license either! And that’s not to mention a whole host of challenges that we were facing in my personal life at the time. When the interviewer asked, “Vanessa, you had every legitimate reason to give up – so why didn’t you?”

Great question – so why didn’t I give up?

I want to share with you my 4 Ds for accelerating progress right now. Honestly if I can do this with all the challenges I was facing, you can too but you will need to follow each and every one of the 4Ds below. And don’t make the mistake of leaving out step 3!

Step 1. Desire – The desire within you for more is your birthright.  The very nature of the universe is built on the principle of more life for all. We are all seeking more life, more growth, more wealth, more love, more health and more contribution. But you have to be prepared to listen to that desire within you and act on it when it’s there.  Outdated paradigms want you to believe that it’s bad to want more, that you should be satisfied with what you’ve already got and that having more could mean somebody else has less.  This is simply not true. When you respond to your desire for more – it naturally opens the door for others to have more too.

Even when faced with all of my fears and challenges, my desire for more was far greater than the real and perceived obstacles I was facing. I kept visualizing myself on the other side of those challenges and telling myself that if I kept taking small consistent steps in the right direction I would achieve the results I was looking for.

Step 2. Dream Big – The first inklings of desire are the initial stirrings for more life growing within you. This is your potential seeking full expression in the world. So this is the time to allow your creative juices to flow and to dare to dream big. Whatever goal you set yourself that you haven’t yet achieved will bring with it a series of obstacles. Some of those will be quite easy to overcome but others could have you rapidly wanting to run in the opposite direction of your goal (trust me on this one – it has happened to me a lot this past year!). This is where dreaming big really helps – your dream needs to be compelling, exciting and much bigger than the fear that will hold you back. Each time I felt the fear, I reconnect with the dream of what I was creating and although not always easy, it worked!

Step 3. Decide –This step is frequently left out and will be the reason you don’t accelerate your own results. Decide means to cut off all other options. It’s not about giving something a try, hedging your bets and then settling for second best if you don’t get the results you expected. There’s a saying that goes, “you can’t move to second base with one foot still on first,” and it’s so true. True decision requires making a full and total commitment on your part to do whatever it takes to achieve the results you desire.  It’s easy to be committed to a goal when life is running smoothly but completely different to persevere in the face of adversity. It’s this level of decision and commitment that makes the difference between where one person accelerates their business results and another continues to struggle.

I had truly made a decision to commit to my own success, no matter what. Have you?

Step 4. Do Something Bold – Ultimately you won’t achieve massive results by playing small and just making incremental steps. You’ll know you’re doing something bold when you feel fear and excitement at the same time. It’s most definitely the right place to be! And it’s fun too (once you get beyond the initial OMG did I really just commit to doing that moment?)

My something bold this year was hosting my first live event Be Bold. PLAY BIGGER® last month. I had many people telling me I was crazy and how difficult it would be. Somebody even said to me, “at what point will you call it off Vanessa?”. For me, calling it off was never an option. We exceeded our goals for the event and it was a great experience for those who attended. And we’ve now created the roadmap that means the next one will be even easier!

Are you ready to create an uncommon year and accelerate your own results? If so, I’d love to chat with you. Please contact me at to set this up!


© 2013 Vanessa Shaw


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