You were born to succeed and make a much bigger difference
We love it when our real clients get real results. Hear it in their own words.
Case Study with Taryn Covrigaru
In this case study, Taryn Covrigaru talks about how working with The Business Growth Academy helped her get much clearer on the positioning of her business and identifying her ideal 'champagne' clients.
Case Study with Lisa Clore
In this case study, Lisa Clore talks about reinvigorating her entrepreneurial spirit and forming her own law firm. With the coaching, accountability and support of a Business Growth Academy program in business strategy and development, she had the confidence...
Case Study with Jennifer Frye
In this video case study, Jennifer Frye tells us how she’s grown from $100k to $500k in 7 months!
Lisa Clore
“Since starting ELITE, I have created just over $20,000 in new revenue and secured 8 new clients. My biggest win for the 1st Quarter of 2020 is reinvigorating my entrepreneurial spirit and forming my own law firm. With the...
Dafne Tsakiris
“When I signed up for ELITE I had hit a ceiling in my business. A ceiling on income and a ceiling on leads and I knew something had to give for me to be able to grow. Turns out...
Christina Howard
“I joined the ELITE 100 Day Business Accelerator because I was looking for a way to grow my business without putting in longer hours.
I set myself a modest new revenue goal because I had no idea how I was...
Whitney McDuff
“When we first met, she looked at the business and said (as cool as a cucumber in her beautiful British accent), "Whitney I easily see $100K sitting in your business right now that you're not accessing. Do you trust...
Doug Striker
“As CEO and Chief of Business Development for the company that I own, I was always operating as if everything was on replay. I had gotten into a routine that gave me very little personal time and led to...
Karen Goade-Caves
“Vanessa is way more than a business coach (although I did hire her originally to help grow my business!). When we first started working together I was feeling overwhelmed with everything that needed to be done but was also...
Breanna Gunn
“The Million Dollar Question isn’t just a book - it’s a map to making more money in your business. After reading, I was able to DOUBLE my income for the previous 30-day period, just by implementing the ideas and...
Helen Kim
“There is no question that had I not made the investment in myself and my business earlier this year, I would have gone down an entirely wrong path. I would have been running from my area of genius by...
Deborah Johnson
“I broke though my own financial glass ceiling and generated more revenue from my own company and my own work, than the most I made working for a big corporation. Now, I have a lot of confidence in my...
Sarah Register
“For the second year in Vanessa’s program I have doubled my income.
The foundational business practices that I have learned through the ACCELERATE Program have helped me to create more consistency in my business practices to create a stronger foundation." -
Bruce Cryer
“Vanessa Shaw is a brilliant coach, mentor, strategist and entrepreneur. In my 35+ years in business, rarely have I come across someone so creative, direct, energetic, fun and effective. If you have a chance to work with Vanessa, take...
Jeff Woudenberg
“I am the strongest I've ever been physically. My mindset is solid and focused. One of my worst sales habits was not being consistent and organized in my efforts to build my contacts, Vanessa gave me real fundamental sales...
Ruth Urban
“I added $140,000 in new revenue in the first 12 months after working with Vanessa.”
Jeffri-Lynn Campbell
“Vanessa Shaw provides practical, no-nonsense business advice but it goes deeper than that. She has a knack for finding what you most need...and then providing the right tools and direction to help propel you forward. Vanessa has built a...
Wendy Anderson
“This past year in Accelerate has proven to be a solid investment and journey as I've gained clarity on the practice I want to have, I've defined my ideal client, and I've learned several effective ways to "find" new...
Kelley Goodwin
“In less than one year working with Vanessa, I added almost 250K in new revenue. End of this year we are on track to double our revenues. Also chosen as lawyer of the year in Colorado 2017!”
Duana Boswell
“This was my second time opening a law firm after having to close the first one following hurricane Ike in 2009.
I was working with Vanessa and her team when COVID struck and I needed to pivot quickly because the...
Arthur Rieman
“Since I’ve started working with Vanessa in September 2016, I’ve added 70K in new revenue at the Law Firm for Non-Profits.”
Sarah Freeman
“After I started working with Vanessa, I went from zero to 300K in 12 months. I am now spending nearly half of my time in my Zone of Genius, where I previously spent that time worrying about what to...
Sabine Messner
“I couldn’t be more excited to tell you about the phenomenal results that I’ve experienced in working privately with Vanessa Shaw... within only 3 months... I had my first $84’000 webinar launch. Then I went on and... sold out...
Michelle & Brian Soregaroli
“She really is no nonsense. She gives the straight authentic goods. You have no question about her sincerity and her expertise. She will deliver on your expectations. And she’ll get you there, just like she has for us. Thanks...
Traci Kincaid
“Giving myself permission to support my personal and professional growth by participating in the Business Growth Academy program is the best decision I've ever made. This program and the personal coaching I've received as part of it have provided...
Jay Feitlinger
“Working with Vanessa has made me understand the importance of prioritizing and focusing on what's really important. Now we're at 7 figures, we're already strategizing to double it again! I am beyond excited… and with Vanessa's guidance and my...
Brooke Lively
“Fired 90% of my business last October and have fully replaced it with few higher paying clients where we get to do more for them.
Within a year my revenue is up 93% but more important, are the changes in... -
Nancy Hetrick
“I’ve worked with Vanessa for 2½ years and have seen my revenues increase from $220k per year to over $600k! Results speak for themselves. The community is amazing and I've gotten as much from the community as I have...
Bridges Connor
“In the ELITE 100 day Business Accelerator I generated $69,030 in new revenue and I know exactly what to do to repeat that again and again!
The ELITE system is practical, easy to follow and it works. Vanessa and her... -
Katie Spencer
“In the ELITE 100 Day Business Accelerator I dialled in my ideal clients, created and launched a brand new program AND generated over $174k in new revenue.
This system works and I'm now on track to quadruple my revenue this...
Case Study with Jarrett Ransom
From food stamps to new tax strategies
Case Study with Traci Kincaid
I just recently did an interview with one of our amazing clients, Traci Kincaid, that discusses how she earned $70k in new revenue after only 2 weeks in a new program with us.
We cover a lot of ground including:
James Kawainui
“I will have more than doubled my income in the last 2 years since starting with Vanessa and am close to cracking my first 6 figure year almost unheard of in the healing arts genre. Topped the 10k/mo revenue...
Marika Messager
“After working with Vanessa, I had my highest month & year in 2017 – highest monthly income grew from 6,000 £ ($7,863) in 2016 to 25,000£ ($32,765) in 2017. I’m reaching a solid foundation in terms of revenue and...