Are you committed to your success?

Are you committed to your success?

Here we are at Be Bold. PLAY event. It was an amazing 2 days of breakthroughs, learning and transformation.  These entrepreneurs had committed to their own success by devoting 2 full days to learn what it really takes to be successful, why they want their success and perhaps most importantly, where  they will stop themselves.

And it’s a great question to ask yourself  too - have you truly committed to your success? Many people say they want success, they want to live the life of their dreams and they want to make a much bigger difference in the world but they lack the grounding that will actually help them achieve that level of success.  One of the lessons I shared during the event is that we are all destined for success yet programmed for failure. Your success lies beyond your current comfort zone yet the moment you decide to move out of that comfort zone, challenges will show up as a test to see if you’re really up for it! Believe me, success is not easy – but if you are willing to do the groundwork, develop yourself and navigate these challenges gracefully, I can promise you that life beyond your comfort zone is truly fabulous!!!

Here are 3 key elements that you must have in place if you wish to step into your own success:

1) What is your why? – so many people start with what they want to achieve and forget to dig deep into why they want to achieve it. You need a compelling why that will motivate you every day and pull you through the tough times. Because when fear strikes (which it will when you are outside your comfort zone) your why needs to be stronger than your fear otherwise fear simply takes over and you lose the battle for your own success.  Ask yourself, who doesn’t get to benefit if you’re not more successful? This will help you see all those people who need you to step up so that they can benefit too.

2) What support do you have? – Trying to go it alone is the surest way to slow down your progress, lose sight of your goals and lose valuable momentum when the challenges inevitably show up.  You will need a strong support team of people who will help you achieve your dreams without burning out in the process.  And I’m not talking about the type of support that lets you off the hook and ultimately keeps you playing small. I’m talking about true accountability, honest feedback and the loving kick in the butt that sees your potential when you can’t see it for yourself and stretches you to reach higher limits when doubt creeps back in again.

3) Where will you stop yourself? Commitment is easy when life runs smoothly and things go to plan. However we are essentially programmed for failure – yes I know that this seems hard to comprehend but there’s a part of you that wants safety, certainty and playing small because it’s easier. Starting is not a problem for entrepreneurs. In fact starting multiple projects at once and handling a multitude of demands is often energizing for entrepreneurs. You will need new levels of awareness and brilliant strategies to outwit the internal saboteur whose job it is to keep you playing small.  And that saboteur has had years of practice so you must be prepared. Even I was taken by surprise when less than 48 hours before the start of Be Bold. PLAY BIGGER. I was laid up in bed unable to walk due to intense physical pain. I knew I was not going to be stopped and kicked that saboteur’s butt firmly with a gorgeous pair of new high heeled shoes  (you’ll have to like us on Facebook if you want to see them!).

So are you truly committed to your own success and willing to do what it takes? If your answer is yes get in contact with us quickly to find out about our brand new program Accelerate. We have limited spaces for a select group of people who are ready for more. Call us on 484.324.8210 or send email to Christine.


© 2013 Vanessa Shaw


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