One of the biggest mistakes I see entrepreneurs making is spending far too much time behind their computer screen. It seems we’re always posting on our blogs, improving our social media presence, tweeting, posting, tweaking our website – ad infinitum. As soon as we master one new cool tool, we’re told there is this even cooler thing that we should be using!
Enough is enough!
The Internet can be a seductive rabbit hole full of twisty turns and dead ends that can suck away your time and energy. If you add up the hours, it’s probably offering little return on investment for all the effort you’ve been putting in.
I’ve came to the conclusion that while the Internet is wonderful for supporting existing clients, (for example, it’s an important backend for our year-long ACCELERATE Business Growth Program), it’s not always that effective for getting new clients.
Experience has shown me that new clients almost always come via 1) personal introductions; 2) a face-to-face conversation; or, 3) through a telephone call. So what’s the commonality? They are all built around existing or emerging personal relationships. It’s very difficult to build these types of relationships through the web or email lists. Even when your ideal clients are looking for the perfect solution you offer, the Internet is a crowded and noisy space and it’s hard to rise above the cacophony.
So if you’re seeking new clients, you may want to consider spending less time behind a screen and a little more on creating opportunities for establishing personal relationships with potential clients. In that spirit, here are my top 3 reasons why it’s a good idea to get out from behind your computer:
- Hanging around the same crowd can keep you in a mental and spiritual rut. Branch out and get fresh perspectives by purposely putting yourself around new people and groups. It’s one of the best ways to get re-energized with new ideas and gain deeper perspective on business needs. Dare to speak to strangers. You’d be surprised by the number of clients I’ve found through the most casual of conversations on a plane or at a cocktail party. It’s all about embracing opportunities for serendipitous conversations!
- It’s good for your health and posture. Almost every successful person I’ve met realizes that physical fitness and health is absolutely necessary to stay on top of his or her game. Sitting stuck behind a computer is very bad for both your physical and mental posture. How can you be seen as a leader in your business if you’re crouched behind a computer? It’s going to reflect in your energy and body language.
- Remember that personal contact is king. Clients and potential partners need to get to build that critical KLT (Know, Like and Trust) factor with you. If you are a small business, remember that you are the face of your business. Being your own best-kept secret and running a lucrative business do not go hand-in-hand. So stop hiding out and get out there!
If you need help being more visible and reaching more clients, we’d love to chat with you. Just contact us and one of my team will reach out to you and set up a time to talk further. Getting some expert help is only one step away! Or better still, call my office on (602) 730-5937. We’d love to help you to BE BOLD. PLAY BIGGER.®